Folks! Powerline Ultra finds it’s way to Game On Expo 2025!
Halfway through the event, there will be a massive giveaway! Every $10 purchase nets you 1 name entry on the wheel of prizes! These CAN stack!
During Game On Expo 2025, you can learn to play Powerline Ultra at any time, pick up cards, play casually or challenge one of the staff members to a game for a chance at a sweet sweet prize!
Promos are avaliable! The way to get them is to play the game! Getting them is easy, to get the stage, simply visit us and ask for the game on stage! To get the fighter, play at our booth! To get the utility, take a picture of yourself at the booth, tag us and game on expo and post it on Instagram! To get the attack, purchase any PLU product or Pre-Order anything at our booth!
On the 5th, 3PM- 8PM there will be a massive tournament ($10 entry and you get 2 tickets added to the prizing wheel) in which the prizing will be quite sweet!
1st: A complete foil set of R2 (that does mean every card, including the vaporwaves, gems, etc.), Champion Mat and “Tora Doragon - Defender Of Byakko Arch“ as well as a mystery prize
2nd: A complete non-foil set of R2 (that does mean every card, including the vaporwaves, gems, etc.) and Champion Mat
3rd: Champion Mat
Every single participant receives a pack for free!
And there are plenty more details to come!
-April 4th: 1PM - 8PM
1PM - 8PM Meet N Greet with the creator, Nathaniel Reid, learn how to play and enjoy Powerline Ultra
-April 5th: 10AM - 8PM
3PM - 8PM Game On Expo 2025 Tournament!
-April 6th: 10AM - 5PM
No events yet!
Phoenix Convention Center North Building
429e E Monroe St, Phoenix, AZ 85004