to Jun 4

Powerline Ultra - Phoenix Fan Fusion


Yes fighters! We are officially at Phoenix Fan Fusion, come on down and pick up 6 exclusive promo cards that CANNOT be found anywhere else! Find us at the Retro Exchange Gaming Booth!

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to May 26

Powerline Ultra - Round 2 Public Beta Test

Looking to join the beta test? Here's whatcha gotta do!

React to this post on the official PLU discord with a Powerline Ultra themed Emoji. It cannot be a standard emoji, has to be PLU themed so I know you are really gonna commit to this.

On 4/20/2023, I will announce the first challenge. Every single time a challenge is complete, there will be a new challenge and I will @ each person who did react to this post and I will need a report within 7 days upon completing said challenge. This will go on until either all the challenges are complete or we run out of time. I want to be able to take care of this in a timely manner and still have time to get the set out in a reasonable time frame and really work on regular releases. Those who do participate, I will write your name down for a giveaway, 1 copy of each card in the set in foil! It will be beneficial for you all to look over the new rulebook to learn the modern rules of Powerline ultra and there will be a test for those who want an additional entry for the giveaway, if you pass the test 100%, you will be given another entry for the giveaway! Before the beta test, it is important that you all partake in exhibition matches to refresh yourself on the rules. Go to the website and the how to play page to get that info! Prepare for battle, fighters! Challenge #1 comes on 04/20/2023!

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